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Calgary Weekend Hikers - Etiquette Guidelines

Etiquette Guidelines

Before the Hike

  • Choose your hike with care. You are the only one who can make the right decision for each outing. If you are considering a hike you suspect might be beyond your capability, consult with the Hike Coordinator who may be able to compare the hike to others that you have done.
  • "Must Phone Coordinator" means that you are responsible to call the Hike Coordinator and register for his/ her hike. It is recommended that you phone not less than 12 hours prior to the scheduled hike. If the Hike Coordinator cancels the hike, he/ she will contact each person who has registered. The Hike Coordinator should announce the change on his/her home phone answering machine. If you have not registered and arrive at an empty parking lot, don’t be surprised or annoyed with the Hike Coordinator.
  • If "No Phone Calls or "Call Only If you have Questions" has been indicated, the Hike Coordinator will be at the parking lot to meet hikers who arrive for the hike – even if the hike has been cancelled.
  • Always call the coordinator by at least 6 pm the evening before the hike if you have to cancel. Don’t wait for the morning as they may not be there.

At the Carpool Location

  • Arrive at the meeting place 15 minutes before the scheduled departure time so the Hike Coordinator can give instructions; ensure all hikers and guests have registered and sign-in on the trip report form; arrange carpooling; and count the number of hikers and cars going on the trip
  • If you have registered for the hike, the leader will wait 5 minutes after the designated meeting time then will leave, out of respect for those that have arrived on early and on time.
  • Make sure you occupy a carload with compatible plans for pace, destination and return to Calgary.

On the Trail

  • Do not go past a trail junction unless the hikers behind you can see you and they are certain which way to go.
  • Please do not complain about the first group going too fast. This probably indicates that you should be with the slower group.
  • Most hikes are bookended by the hike coordinator in the lead and the tail-ender. A hiker should walk between these two unless given permission by the hike coordinator.
  • If you need to step off the trail for a ‘separation break’ please be sure to leave your pack at the place you stepped off. This indicates to the hikers to keep eyes forward and, more importantly, lets the trailender know there is someone to wait for.
  • Stay with the group. Every hike and trip is composed of a variety of people and this means depending on who is there the pacing of the trip may vary. Be flexible and patient. If it is slower than you wish, use this time to get to know your fellow hikers. There are some pretty fantastic folks in the Calgary Weekend Hikers and you will be pleasantly surprised how wonderful the day can become. Remember, we joined a club for safety and knowing it is a team/ group sport.
  • RESPECT the Hike Coordinator! The Hike Coordinators are all volunteers and are the life blood of our club. We greatly appreciate they have generously given of their time, efforts and willingness to share their knowledge with the members. Please respect their decisions and show gratitude for all they do.
  • RESPECT the Environment! Hikers pack out all garbage and do not leave behind any banana peels, apple cores, chewing gums, orange peels or any other items. Of interest, orange peels take 2 years to biodegrade, which equals the lifespan of a rabbit.
  • Please do not pick the flowers or berries. The wildlife need these more than we do.
  • Do not feed any wildlife including the ground squirrels, chipmunks and whiskey jacks.

And always bring along a smile and have fun!

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